Mayfair Village, Auckland

Develop a sophisticated integrated design strategy that simultaneously addresses refurbishment concerns, improves the appeal and desirability of the village for current and future residents, while adding substantial value to the asset for owners.

Watertight future-proofing for village people
Set on a 7.4-acre landscaped site on Auckland’s North Shore, Mayfair Village comprises a community centre and apartments that are in need of refurbishment in order to comply with Building Code standards and to remain a desirable community for future residents.

We presented owner Arvida with an integrated design proposal encompassing weathertightness remediation, new construction, interior design, landscape, wayfinding design, and asset maintenance.

Our proposal utilises space within the existing building more effectively and transforms exterior walls to improve weathertightness and elevate the aesthetic appeal. It includes new landscaping, upgraded building services, and improved recreational spaces which will enhance the quality of life for Mayfair’s residents.

Designed with a view toward future-proofing the development’s existing assets, Project Lead Craig Birch said, “When you strip a building down, it’s the perfect opportunity to produce a structure better-suited to you and your customers’ needs by future-proofing or increasing the previous substandard insulation and airtightness. Adding these types of layers creates more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings, keeping bills down whilst creating healthier homes and developments.”

Landscape design, architectural design
Aged care

Mayfair Village, Auckland Gallery

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