Design for quality and variety at density – 97 homes for a range of stages, ages, and incomes. Ensure one-third of homes meet Axis Series affordable home standards.
An exemplar of density done right
Hobsonville Point’s Kerepeti Development, which spans two lots and 1.95 hectares in total, is an excellent example of what can be achieved through thoughtful masterplanning.
Uku – built on the smaller of two sections – is a higher-density development of three-storey terraced housing and a five-storey apartment building. We’ve delivered 97 homes in six different typologies, all thoughtfully detailed in line with HLC Design Review Panel standards, set to ensure proposed developments contribute positively to socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable communities.
Density can often come at the cost of privacy, but Uku proves this doesn’t have to be the case when you design well. We’ve minimised long runs of terraces and chosen rugged construction materials to reduce noise transfer. Living spaces have also been flipped on two-storey homes to create privacy and separation between neighbours.
Uku is a safe and secure community by design – without any imposing surveillance. Private, activated laneways, clear pedestrian connections, and well overlooked common areas are core to residents’ sense of security.
Uku stands out on Hobsonville Point as an exemplar of density done well. A new concept in placemaking, we’re excited to see what Uku’s residents make of their new brick-clad homes.